Back To School Buffet

It’s Back To School time! And with the great return of homework assignments and after school activities comes a hustle and bustle that makes it all to easy to get off-track with having healthy, family-centered meals. That’s why I’ve put together this quick collection of Back-To-School breakfasts, snacks and dinners that’ll put a smile on […]

Amazing Olympic Facts

Historians have traced the origin of the Olympic games back to 776, but many believe that the tradition started years before that. The ancient Greeks established the event to honor the Greek god Zeus. The ancient Greek games included many of the sports that we still watch today, including running, the long jump, the shot […]

Let’s All Go To The Movies

Summer is here and there’s no better time of year to head to the movies. I love going to the movies, there’s no better way to escape the summer heat, treat yourself to some popcorn and sit back and relax with the whole family. This summer it looks like there’s plenty of great movie-going options […]

Let’s Hit The Road, Jack!

Summer is here and everyone is gearing up for their family vacations. From the time I was a kid, my favorite vacations have always been road trips. I love hittin’ the open road, and it’s not just my love of cars that’s responsible for this. I just think there’s something extra special about piling into […]

Make The Most Of May

Wow! It’s already May! Can you believe it? I sure can’t. It seems like every year, time goes by faster and faster. I love the hustle of getting things done both at work and at home. But sometimes it’s good to slow down and make sure that life isn’t passing you by. Here are my […]

Who’s Foolin’ Who?

On the first of April each year, people all over the country play pranks on each other. Even large companies and news outlets have been known to get in on the fun. Like the time Taco Bell released a press release saying they bought the Liberty Bell and were changing the name to the Liberty […]

READING IS FUN…damental!

March 2 is the National Education Association’s Read Across America Day. But I’m a big fan of reading, so I think that we should make it a priority every day, not just one day a year. Are you a big fan of reading? Are your kids? If you’ve had trouble getting your kids excited about […]

Make A Date Without Breaking The Bank

It’s the month of love. With Valentine’s Day smack dab in the middle of the month, it seems like everywhere you look there are tips, suggestions and advertisements on the best ways to say, “I LOVE YOU.” While most of these articles and ads would have you believe that the best way to say those […]

How To Heat Thing Up This January

BRRRR! It’s cold outside! When temperatures get this low, it seems like there’s little we can do to keep warm, so I put together a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up over the years to help you keep toasty warm this winter. Dress Appropriately – Wear socks and slippers to keep your feet warm even […]